Our latest jaunt through nature has taken us to a nature preserve called Tel-Hy in Huntington County.
This preserve is situated on the Wabash River. The trail we decided to hike ran along the top of a bluff, destined for the banks of the Wabash. As soon as Hank learned there was a river to visit, I could see his mental wheels start turning...
Occasionally we could glimpse a peek of the glistening river below...enough to seriously heighten Hank's anticipation of throwing rocks into the water, one of his favorite 5 year old pastimes. |
At this point Hank was ready to abandon the trail and run straight for the water! Oh the possibilities of an unspoiled riverbank...rocks, mud, sticks, water! Those who know my son will appreciate the potential these things have as fodder for his imagination. |
I, on the other hand, was in no hurry to reach the river bank, as delightful as it promised to be. I was perfectly happy to leisurely amble along, becoming lost in the visual spectacle of natural Indiana.
Canadian wild ginger or Snakeroot.
Native Americans used this plant as a seasoning due to its similarity to true ginger. However, we now know that wild ginger should not be used as a substitute for real ginger because it contains an unknown concentration of the carcinogen aristolochic acid. Yikes!
What kept creeping into my consciousness (and into my viewfinder) was the prevalence of visual patterns around me. The plant life on the woodland floor (and ceiling) was flourishing, but still young and small enough as to not overwhelm each other, allowing my camera to capture some very pleasing natural patterns.
I love these backlit Maple leaves. |
"We artists have been affected by patterns in nature since day one. Every line we lay to paper and every move we make is part of the magical sequence." ~Kristi Bridgeman http://www.kristibridgeman.com/
I am intrigued by the smaller yellow plants visible behind their surrounding big brothers. Unfortunately, I've seen many yellowed foliage plants lately due to Indiana's alarming unseasonal dryness. |
After a go-zillion photos, and just as Hank was about to burst with impatience...
We arrived at the long-anticipated Wabash River where there was much rock-skipping, mud-writing, stick-swinging, and even a little "Mom-I-accidentally-fell-in"-ing.
Great fun was had by all!
Back up the bluff, post river romp. |
After our playdate with the river, we headed back up the bluff. Our last stop before we headed home...Tel-Hy's privy display. That's right, this preserve features a collection of interesting outhouses.
This brings back memories of my childhood. My family always took a summer vacation to the hills of West Virginia where I couldn't wait to visit my great aunt Kate and Uncle Josh. They lived in a log cabin and, by choice, used no electricity or modern plumbing. They heated their cabin with fire in the fireplace and wood stove, pumped water by hand, and when nature called...it was answered with a trip to the outhouse. |
I love the rusted tin roof and star cut-out of this old privy. |
Now here's a classy john! |
Isn't the woodworked detailing so charming? |
An A-frame outhouse, what a great idea! Imagine all the extra space inside for your stash of magazines. |
A day at the river will certainly make a young man tired! (And his mom!) |
We look forward to another great adventure very soon...stay tuned for our adventures in Miami County!